3 Days, 3 Quotes Challenge – And So We’ve Come To The End…

And so, I’ll leave the final three quotes for your own contemplation…


The first quote comes from one of my favourite authors, Yukio Mishima – who’s gonna come after Bowie?


This second one comes from Fullmetal Alchemist, fantastic anime show. It’s a retelling of the Philosopher’s Stone (not as fluffy as the first Harry Potter book – much more gruesome, in fact, and more in keeping with the original story that also throws in the human-created Homunculi) that coincidently mirrored the real-world events of that period, particularly the US-Iraq war. The human-created Homunculi in the show also correspond with the rise of human genetic engineering.


Ah. Time to put down those phones now, eh?

I would like to thank Jessi from Cirque De La Nuit for tagging me in this fun challenge!
And the last three blogs…well, damn it, anyone can do this challenge! I tag no one 🙂




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